Johnston County Appeal

Welcome to the electronic appeals process for the Johnston County Tax Administration Office. It is our intent that this process will provide you an additional method of appealing your 2024 Assessed Value. Real Estate Appeals for the 2024 tax year must be received at the Tax Office by 5:00 PM, April 25, 2024.

Johnston County is on a six-year revaluation cycle, and performed their last County Wide Revaluation effective January 1, 2019. This means your 2024 property value is determined using sales and other relevant information that occurred on this date or prior (usually not more than 2 years). Sales, appraisals, listings, etc. cannot be considered for the 2024 value, unless they are between January 1, 2017 and January 1, 2019.

Taxpayers wishing to APPEAL may do so for the following reasons:

Appeals CANNOT be considered for the following reasons:


Items to have available before beginning:

The parcel number, which typically can be found on a Real and Personal Listing, Notice of Real Estate Assessed Value, Property Tax Bill or some other correspondence you may have received from the County or you can also search for your parcel number by clicking here: Johnston County Online Tax Services.

Supporting documentation (appraisals, sales information, photos, etc.), available in electronic format. As stated above, your supporting documentation should reflect only information that existed between January 1, 2017 and January 1, 2019.


  1. In the Parcel Number field, enter the parcel number of the property for which you wish to submit an appeal, then click the “Submit” Button. Note: The parcel number should be entered precisely as printed on the notification of value, or in the Johnston County Online Tax Services.
  2. Summary information about the entered parcel number will be displayed. If this information is correct, click the “Appeal This Parcel” button.
  3. After the “Appeal This Parcel” button is clicked, the Online Appeal form will be displayed. Complete the form from top to bottom. Required fields are indicated by the presence of a red asterisk (*).

In the File Uploads section, the Electronic Appeal form will allow you to submit up to five separate files as part of your appeal. Press the “Browse” button and select the individual file from your operating system. You cannot select multiple files as a single attachment (only files that end with extensions of .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg).

Please note that an APPEAL of your property may result in the value being reduced, unchanged, or possibly increased.